Celebrating the Power of Philanthropy: Helping our Students and Faculty Thrive

The Kimberly Green Global Scholars and the Dorothea Green Lecture Series Endowment provide deserving students and faculty with research, scholarship and travel awards, enabling experiential learning opportunities and advancing research outcomes. The Dean’s Office evaluates various needs and encourages the Green School community to apply each year for this prestigious award. 

Kimberly Green Global Scholars Award

  • Offsetting group travel costs: The award helps to reduce group costs, providing a benefit to all students participating in group travel. This spring, the award will enable five students to travel to Italy for a semester-long program. 
  • Middle East Study Abroad Program: Since 2019, 23 students have been able to participate in the study abroad program to the Middle East. 
  • Conference Presentations: Excelling students are also supported to attend conferences and gain experience by presenting their work. This year, PhD student Ernest Asamoa was able to travel to the Tbilisi International Conference in Georgia thanks to the Kimberly Green Global Scholars Award.

Kimberly and Dorothea Green Fellowship for Advanced Doctoral Students

For the 2023-2024 year, five graduate students will receive between $650-$1,000 to support the advancement of their doctoral work. Funds covered a variety of needs, including survey work, travel, archival costs and conference participation. 

Kimberly and Dorothea Green Fellowships for Faculty 

Since 2021, 10 faculty have received faculty fellowship awards between $1,000-2,000 to help offset research travel costs and share their research findings at conferences, enabling our professors to advance their respective fields of study all around the world.

For 2023-2024, the Green School is offering three separate calls for the Kimberly and Dorothea Green Fellowships for Faculty. There are fellowships for teaching, tenure-track and tenured faculty. These fellowships provide crucial travel support for activities that advance research and teaching. One award (up to $1,500) will be available for each fellowship. For more information, please email: sipafellows@fiu.edu.