Get Advising
The Green School offers a number of academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including certificates, minors, bachelor’s,
Whether you have questions about credits, internships, or studying abroad, our advising team is always ready to assist you in your academic endeavors.
To learn more about one of our programs, check in with the respective department, and chat with an advisor to learn more about the major.
Alternatively, you can email the advising team directly at Please include your name and Panther ID when sending in inquiries.
Virtual Drop-in Advising Schedule
The Green School's Virtual Drop-in Advising dates and hours are:
- Mondays from 9 AM - 11AM
- Thursdays from 2 PM - 4 PM
Except for the following dates:
- Monday, January 20, 2025 (University Closed)
- Thursday, February 27, 2025 (Event)
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 588 575 5598
To connect, you will need to log in with your FIU credentials: If you have any problems connecting, please see
To meet the high demand of students in peak advising season, during our drop-ins we will strictly be limiting sessions to 10 minutes and limiting students once we have met capacity. Virtual Drop-In advising is meant to only address the following:
- Summer and Fall 2025 Course Enrollment
- Change of Program Plans (Majors, 2nd Majors, Minors, Pre-Law Certificate)
- Pre-Law Advising is limited to adding/dropping the certificate and course recommendations.
- Class Permissions
- Questions about specific requirements or policies
- Advising and GPA Holds (except Advising and Registration* and PDC Holds)
* Newly admitted students with Orientation and Registration holds must complete an Orientation and Advising Registration session. Please register for sessions via myFIU.
Walk-in Advising Schedule
The Green School's Walk-in Advising dates and hours are:
- Fridays from 2PM - 4PM (3/21, 3/28, 4/4, and 4/11 only)
- Location: SIPA II, 2nd Floor Lobby
Students are expected to sign in at the front desk lobby. Each walk-in session will be limited to 10 minutes.
- Summer and Fall 2025 Course Enrollment
- Change of Program Plans (Majors, 2nd Majors, Minors, Pre-Law Certificate)
- Pre-Law Advising is limited to adding/dropping the certificate and course recommendations.
- Class Permissions
- Questions about specific requirements or policies
- Advising and GPA Holds (except Advising and Registration* and PDC Holds)
* Newly admitted students with Orientation and Registration holds must complete an Orientation and Advising Registration session. Please register for sessions via myFIU.