Policy-Focused Reports

The Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs publishes policy-focused reports, white papers and proceedings addressing a variety of subjects that reflect contemporary global issues and the outstanding research and scholarship of our faculty. Some of these are produced in cooperation with other organizations that the school partners with.

Second Green School Miami Conference on Global Democracy examines international and domestic forces undermining freedom

The Miami Conference on Global Democracy, presented by the Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs on April 18, 2024, explored the phenomenon of contemporary democratic backsliding. The school dedicates this annual day of learning to deepening our understanding of the underlying causes, motivations and methods that contribute to the erosion of democracy throughout the world.

The mission of the Green School is to prepare students to be citizens of the world, supporters of democratic principles and changemakers of tomorrow. The school’s leaders believe that the best hope for strengthening democracy is to grapple with and understand the challenges democracy is facing.

Click here to read the proceedings.

Click here to download the proceedings.