Shane Gunderson
Dr. Shane Gunderson is an accomplished researcher, a public servant, a community activist, an author, and a professor. His credentials speak toward his engagement to interdisciplinary studies. He earned a Master of Arts degree in Public Administration in 2000 and a Comparative Studies Ph.D. in 2012 from Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Gunderson has taught as an Adjunct professor at FIU since 2012. He currently teaches Administrative Leadership and Behavior and communication courses for FIU.
Dr. Gunderson has worked as the Director of Client Services at the Broward Public Defender’s Office since 1989. He is a subject matter expert on criminal justice system and mental health system issues in support of the Public Defender’s role of representing approximately 28,000 indigent people per year charged with misdemeanors and felonies. He conducted a study, "Countywide System Analysis: Mentally Ill Traffic & Misdemeanor Offenders" for the Broward County court system resulting in the establishment of the nation's first mental health court. In 1995 and 1997 as a President Clinton appointee to the Presidential Rank Awards Review Board, he evaluated Senior Executive Service (SES) managers on behalf of the Office of Personnel Management for presidential awards.
As Chairperson for United Way of Broward’s Community Impact Committee, he conducted site visits, reviewed, rated, and awarded grants to community organizations. In 2006, the United Way honored Dr. Gunderson because he formed a hard-working volunteer group called the Providing Basic Needs and Increasing Self Sufficiency Impact Team that created a model to improve community conditions. Dr. Gunderson’s professional and institutional interest in homelessness mobilized the caring power of his community. He was one of the founders of the Broward Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. and served on the Broward Homeless Initiative Partnership Board, Broward Re-entry Coalition, and the Alternatives to Incarceration Council.
Through his work, research, and publications, he developed long-lasting local, national and international contacts in the academic and social justice communities. Dr. Gunderson’s book Momentum and the East Timor Independence Movement: the Origins of America’s Debate on East Timor won the 2015 Stanford M. Lyman Book Award from the Mid-South Sociological Association. His book examined the campaigns by people in the United States on behalf of those seeking peace for East Timor. He recently wrote a book chapter for an undergraduate reader: “Sexual Deviance Theory, Generation Z, and the LGBTQ Community,” Deviance Today 2nd Edition, Edited by Addrain Conyers and Thomas C. Calhoun, Routledge, a division of the Taylor & Francis Group.
Gunderson, S. (2015). Momentum and the East Timor independence movement: The origins of America's debate on East Timor. Lexington Books: An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.
Textbook and Public Speaking Course
Gunderson, S. (2013). Dimensions of public speaking: connecting with the audience. Connect For Education, Inc. Sold more than 2,000 copies
Book ChaptersGunderson, S. (2021) Sexual deviance theory, generation Z, and the LGBTQ community. Deviance today. Conyers, A. (Ed.), Abington: Routledge.
Gunderson, S. (2011). Intellectual work: The psychological process of cue-taking. Palmer, Steve, (Ed.) In Between identity and practice: Contemporary perspectives on the intellectual ISBN: 978-1-84888-003-0. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford. eBook.Gunderson, S. (2008). Social movement, spectacle, and momentum, In The resistance studies reader. Kullenberg, C. and J. Lehne, (Eds.), Göteborg: Resistance Studies Network. Print.
Refereed Journal Articles
Gunderson, S. (2009). Cultural Narcissism is not a generational phenomenon. Journal of Social and Psychological Sciences, (1), 42. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.fiu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.219822481&site=eds-live
Gunderson, S. (Winter 2008). Protest actions, image events, and the civil rights movement in Birmingham. American Communication Journal, 10 (4).
Gunderson, S. (Aug. 2008). Social movement, spectacle, and momentum. Resistance Studies Magazine, 23-34.
Book Reviews
Gunderson, S. (2011). Hugh Heclo and the Immortality of Institutional Values. Heclo, H. (2011). Raziskave & Razprave Research & Discussion. Nova Gorica, Slovenia: Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici School of Advanced Social Studies vol.4 (3) 139-144. http://www.fuds.si/si/dejavnosti/zaloznistvo/?v=raziskave-in-razprave
Gunderson, S. (2010). Gay Rights and Moral Panic: The Origins of America’s Debate on Homosexuality. JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY, 57(8), 1101–1104. https://doi-org.ezproxy.fiu.edu/10.1080/00918369.2010.503511
Gunderson, S. (2007). Studying myths and recipes in organizational studies. Christensen, T. Organization theory and the public sector: Instrument, culture and myth. London: Routledge. Volume 1 (1) http://www.journal-iostudies.org/content/paper-archive