Keith D. Revell
Public Policy and Administration
Phone: 305.348.0411
Email: revellk@fiu.edu
Keith Douglas Revell, Associate Professor of Public Administration, holds an MA (1989) and a PhD (1994) in American History from the University of Virginia. His current research project focuses on the redevelopment of South Beach (Miami Beach). He is the author of Building Gotham: Civic Culture and Public Policy in New York City, 1898-1938 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003), which won the Urban History Association’s award for Best Book in North American Urban History (2002) and the Public Works Historical Society’s Abel Wolman Award [best book in public works history] (2003), and has now appeared in paperback. His other publications include “Micro-Incentives and Municipal Behavior: Decentralization and Fiscal Federalism in Argentina and Mexico,” World Development (2016) (with Heidi Smith), “The Skyscraper and the City: Schultze & Weaver=s New York Hotels,” in In Pursuit of Pleasure: Schultze & Weaver and the American Hotel (Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005) and “Law Makes Order: The Search for Ensemble in the Skyscraper City, 1890-1930,” in The American Skyscraper: Cultural Histories (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
Revell has participated in applied research projects on the Historical Impacts of Transportation Projects in the Overtown Community and the Transportation Aspects of Welfare-To-Work, and was recently a speaker at the Miami City Club on South Florida’s Transportation Crisis. He has conducted training seminars on decision-making, conflict-resolution, and leadership for the City of Tamarac, the City of Davie, the Department of Children and Family Services, FIU’s Institute of Government, Baptist Health Enterprise, and the Executive Leadership Institute of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. He has also made presentations on urban affairs topics at the Paul Milstein Center of the Columbia University MBA Program, the annual investors’ conference of the New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, the South Florida Chapter of the Association of Certified Public Managers, the Miami Design Preservation League, and the Wolfsonian Museum.
Revell served as Public Administration Program Coordinator (2001-2003), PhD Coordinator (2001-2002), and Search Committee Chair (2004), among his other university service activities. He has been a member of the Biscayne Bay Regional Restoration Coordination Team (an advisory group to the Working Group of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force) since 2001. He has been active in the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce where he served as co-chair of the Environmental Strategic Planning Committee of the Environmental Affairs Group (2003-2004) and co-chair of the Environmental Business Practices Awards Committee of the Environmental Affairs Group (2001-2003). He has also moderated Leadership Miami Forums on the environment (2004 and 2005).
Revell has taught twelve different course preparations while at FIU, ranging from the undergraduate to doctoral levels, including PAD6434 Leadership and Decision-making, PAD3800 Managing Global Cities, and PAD7257 Economic Context of Government (which has been cross listed with the History Department).