Alexander Kroll
Public Policy and Administration
Phone: 305.348.0433
Email: akroll@fiu.edu
Dr. Kroll is a professor of public policy and administration at the Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs at Florida International University. Previously, he was appointed as an associate (2019-2024) and assistant professor (2013-2019) at FIU. He is the department’s Ph.D. program director. He is also affiliated with initiatives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Arizona State University.
Dr. Kroll conducts research on the management of public organizations, collaborations, and state-citizen interactions. This includes topics such as performance data and performance management, organizational behavior, leadership, motivation, and mitigating burdens.
His research has appeared in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Governance, Government Information Quarterly as well as other journals. His book “Shared Measures: Collective Performance Data Use in Collaborations” was published by Cambridge University Press. It is about using data to manage diverse teams and draws on a study of opioid-response task forces.
Dr. Kroll’s work has been cited in President Obama’s budget proposal and OMB policy guidance under President Biden. It received awards from the American Society for Public Administration, the Academy of Management, and the European Group of Public Administration. He has been the recipient of FIU’s Faculty Senate Award for Excellence in Research, FIU’s Top Scholar Award, and the JPART-AOM/PNP Top Reviewer Award.
Dr. Kroll has served in various roles for the Academy of Management’s Public and Nonprofit Division. He has been an associate editor for Public Performance and Management Review and holds or has held editorial board positions at the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, Public Administration Review, and Public Performance and Management Review.
He has engaged in consulting and training with local government managers and employees in South Florida and North Carolina; government employees in Jamaica; state agencies in Germany; and groups from Thailand, Tunisia, and Latin America.
A native of Germany, he earned his Ph.D. in public administration at the University of Potsdam.