Thomas A. Breslin

Thomas A. Breslin


Politics and International Relations

Office: SIPA 428

Phone: 305-348-2304


Curriculum Vitae


I expect students to work hard at their studies, attend class faithfully, and ask questions, preferably questions of their own formulation. I work hard to share what I know about the history of foreign relations with them and to make their FIU degree worth more each year.

Having published a path-breaking exploration of the effect of presidential ethnicity on American foreign relations from George Washington to George W. Bush, The Great Anglo-Celtic Divide in the History of American Foreign Relations, (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Praeger, 2011), I am extending my research on that topic as well as pursuing research into the history of claims to the South China Sea, the Chinese frontier during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, and America's disobedient diplomats.


Course Syllabi (Summer 2022)

INR 3102 U01 - Spring 2022 - American Foreign Policy

INR 3102 - Spring 2022 - American Foreign Policy-The Great Anglo-Celtic Divide in The History of American Foreign Relations PowerPoint


Office hours for Spring 2022 are as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM and also by appointment - SIPA 428

Tel: 305-348-2304

Areas of Expertise

U.S. Diplomatic History; History of China's Foreign Relations; U.S.—China Relations Ethnicity and Religion in Foreign Affairs


B.A., Fordham University, History, 1968
M.A., University of Virginia, History, 1969
Ph.D., University of Virginia, History, 1972