Shenggao Wang

Shenggao Wang

Associate Teaching Professor of Chinese

Modern Languages

Office: DM 488B


Selected Publications

Wang, S., & Jimenez, I. (2022). Book Review: Dependency in the Twenty-First Century? The Political
     Economy of China–Latin America Relations by Barbara Stallings. China Information36(1), 135–

Wang, S. (2019). Functional perspective of Chinese learners’ language use on social media. In X. Wen &
     X. Jiang (Eds.), Studies on Learning and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (pp. 171-189). New
     York, NY: Routledge.

Wang, S. (2016). Functional perspective of Chinese learners’ language use on social media. In D. Xu, J.
     Da, S. Liu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference and Workshops on Technology
     and Chinese Language Teaching (TCLT9) in the 21
st Century (pp.313-323). Macau SAR, China:
     University of Macau.

Wang, S., & Kim, D. (2014). Facebook-supported Wall activity in an intermediate-level Chinese language
     course: A case study. IALLT Journal, 44 (1), 38-78.

Wang, S., & Vásquez, C. (2014). The effect of target language use in social media on intermediate-level
     Chinese language learners’ writing performance. CALICO Journal, 31 (1), 78-102.

Zhang, Y., & Wang, S. (2014). Book review: “Leftover” women: The resurgence of gender inequality in
     China. China Information, 28(3), 415-416.

Wang, S., & Vásquez, C. (2012). Web 2.0 and second language learning: What does the research tell us?
     CALICO Journal, 29 (3), 412-430.

Areas of Expertise

Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology
Applied Linguistics
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language


Ph.D. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 2013
M.A. Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China, 2002
B.A. Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, 1996