Renée Silverman
- Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
- M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
- B.A., Comparative Literature, Brown University
- Spanish and Latin-American poetry
- Spanish literature of the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries
- The Generations of 1898, 1925, and 1927 in Spain
- Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies
- European and Latin-American modernisms
- Comparative literature and literary theory
- Visual culture and theories of perception
- Landscape and cultural memory
- Music and the lyric
Selected Publications
Silverman, Renée M. Mapping the Landscape, Remapping the Text: Spanish Poetry from Antonio
Machado’s Campos de Castilla to the First Avant-Garde (1909-1925). North Carolina Studies in the
Romance Languages and Literatures 302. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
Aguirre, Mariana, Rosa Sarabia, Renée M. Silverman, and Ricardo Vasconcelos, eds. International
Yearbook of Futurism Studies. Ed. Günter Berghaus. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. Special topic: Futurism
in Latin America.
Goldwyn, Adam J., and Renée M. Silverman, eds. Mediterranean Modernism: Intercultural
Exchange and Aesthetic Development. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Silverman, Renée M., ed. The Popular Avant-Garde. Avant-Garde Critical Studies 25. Amsterdam and
New York: Editions Rodopi, 2010.
Silverman, Renée M. “Transculturation and Lorca’s Syncretic ‘Son de negros en Cuba’: A ‘gota de
madera.’” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 98.1 (January 2021): 77-99.
Muñiz Sarmiento, Ramón, and Renée M. Silverman. “Gabriela Mistral y Concha Méndez: experiencias de la
maternidad.” Poéticas Comparadas de Mujeres: Las poetas y la transformación del discurso poético en
los siglos 20 y 21. Ed. Esther Sánchez-Pardo. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022. 126-51.
Silverman, Renée M. “‘Otro punto de arranque’: Gerardo Diego’s Hybrid Romances.” Hispanófila 182
(January 2018): 127-46.
Aguirre, Mariana, Rosa Sarabia, Renée M. Silverman, and Ricardo Vasconcelos. “Editors’ Preface.”
Aguirre, Mariana, Rosa Sarabia, Renée M. Silverman, and Ricardo Vasconcelos, eds. International
Yearbook of Futurism Studies. Ed. Günter Berghaus. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. XXIX-XLII. Special topic:
Futurism in Latin America.
Goldwyn, Adam J., and Renée M. Silverman. “Introduction: Fernand Braudel and the Invention of a
Modernist’s Mediterranean.” Mediterranean Modernism: Intercultural Exchange and Aesthetic
Development. Ed. Adam J. Goldwyn and Renée M. Silverman. London and New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2016. 1-26.
Silverman, Renée M. “Rafael Barradas, Catalan Futurism and Marinetti’s Visit to Barcelona
(1928).” International Yearbook of Futurism Studies 3 (2013): 211-42 (appendix 243-47).
Silverman, Renée M. “La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France
(1913): Abstraction, Materiality, and an Alternative Simultaneisme.” Der Aufbruch in die
Moderne. Herwarth Walden und die europaeische Avantgarde. Ed. Irene Chytraeus-Auerbach
and Elke Uhl. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2013. 55-77.
Silverman, Renée M. “The Avant-Garde is Popular (Again).” Introduction. The Popular Avant Garde. Ed.
Renée M. Silverman. Avant-Garde Critical Studies 25. Amsterdam and New York: Editions Rodopi,
2010. 11-21.
Silverman, Renée M. “The Lyric Performance of Tragedy in Federico García Lorca’s Blood Wedding.”
South Atlantic Review 74.3 (Summer 2009): 45-63.
Silverman, Renée M. “Gerardo Diego’s Heterocronismo and the Avant-Garde: Imagen and Manual de
espumas.” Hispanic Review 77.3 (Summer 2009): 339-67.
Silverman, Renée M. “Questioning the Territory of Modernism: Ultraísmo and the Aesthetic of the First
Spanish Avant-Garde.” Romanic Review 97.1 (January 2006): 51-71.
Silverman, Renée M. “A Europeanizing Geography: The First Spanish Avant-Garde’s Re-mapping of
Castile (1914-1925).” The Invention of Politics in the European Avant-Garde (1905-1940). Ed. Sascha
Bru and Gunther Martens. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2006. 217-32.
Selected Honors and Awards
- Book Award, South Atlantic Modern Languages Association, 2017
SAMLA Studies Award (Edited Volume). For Goldwyn, Adam J., and Renée M. Silverman, eds. Mediterranean Modernism: Intercultural Exchange and Aesthetic Development. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. - FIU Top Scholar, 2015
- Book Award, Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA), 2012
Honorable Mention. For Silverman, Renée M. Mapping the Landscape, Remapping the Text: Spanish Poetry from Antonio Machado’s Campos de Castilla to the First Avant-Garde (1909-1925).
Selected Grants and Fellowships
- 2021-2022 Kimberly Green Faculty Fellowship, 2021-2022
Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs
Florida International University
- National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant, 2014-2015
Awards for Faculty Program, National Endowment for the Humanities.
Project Title: A Lyric Revival: Avant-Garde, Popular, and Tradition in Spanish Poetry (1925-1936). - Exhibition Development Grant, 2013-2014
Wolfsonian Museum, Florida International University.
With funding provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Project Title: Modern Beauty? The Trans-Siberian Railroad and the Aesthetics of War and the Machine. Co-Principal Investigators: Renée M. Silverman and A. Gray Read (Architecture, FIU). Exhibition in Frost Teaching Gallery, Spring 2014, paired with “Ways of Seeing” course. - Summer Faculty Development Award 2010, Summer 2010
College of Arts and Sciences, Florida International University. - Wolfsonian-Florida International University Fellowship, Spring 2009
Wolfsonian Museum, Florida International University.
Ph.D. Dissertations Directed
- Dissertation Director and Ph.D. Advisor, 2021-present
Graduate Student: David Canela.
Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University
- Dissertation Director and Ph.D. Advisor, 2018-2022
Graduate Student: Habey Hechavarría. (Defended).
Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University - Dissertation Director and Ph.D. Advisor, 2017-present
Graduate Student: Ramón Muñiz Sarmiento. (Defended).
Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University - Dissertation Director and Ph.D. Advisor, 2014-2019 “Blas de Otero: una poética de lo vital.”
Graduate Student: Ezequiel Moreno Escamilla. (Defended).
Department of Modern Languages, Florida International University