Erik Camayd-Freixas
Selected Publications
"Cognitive Theory of Simultaneous Interpreting and Training." Proceedings of the 52nd Conference of the American Translators Association (New York: ATA, 2011)."Court Interpreter Ethics and the Role of Professional Organizations." Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Proceedings of the 6th Internacional Critical Link Conference (Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011.
"Translating Maria la O." ATA Source Fall (2010): 6-16.
"Poeta en Nueva Gerona: La Cuba de Hart Crane." La Torre: Revista de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 14:53-54 (2009): 78-106.
"Interpreting After the Largest ICE Raid in US History: A Personal Account." Journal of Latino Studies 7:1 Spring (2009): 123-139.
"Raids, Rights, and Reform: The Postville Case and the Immigration Crisis." DePaul Law School Journal for Social Justice 2:1 Fall (2008): 1-24.
"El fractal de Mandelbrot. Del travestismo al Caos: Fuentes del nuevo realismo aleatorio de Antonio Benitez Rojo, Mujer en traje de batalla." Caribe (2007): 1-47.
"A Revolution in Consecutive Interpretation: Digital Voice Recorder-Assisted CI." ATA Chronicle 34:3 (2005): 40-46.
"A Revolution in Consecutive Interpretation: Digital Voice Recorder-Assisted CI." ATA Chronicle 34:3 (2005): 40-46.
"The Cult of the Goddess Mita on the Eve of a New Millennium: Socio-Anthropological Look at a Caribbean Urban Religion," Latin American Issues 13 (1997): 1-14.Erik.htm, "Heteroglosia y parodia historiográfica en Cien años de soledad," Romance Languages Annual 8 (1997): 342-350. "Reflections on Magical Realism: A Return to Legitimacy, The Legitimacy of Return," Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 23:2 (June 1996): 580-589. "Los dos finales en „El matadero‟ de Esteban Echeverria," Romance Review 3.1 (1993): 29-37.Areas of Expertise
Exchange, Paris-Sorbonne, SemioticsDegrees
Ph.D. Harvard UniversityM.A. Harvard University
B.A. Tufts University, summa cum laude