Lin Liu
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Office: MARC-270
Phone: 302.766.5082
Email: linliu@fiu.edu
Dr. Liu’s research and expertise revolves around criminal justice actors’ focal concerns, criminal offending trajectories, the heterogeneous needs of released prisoners, and quantitative methodologies. Her research has appeared in such journals as Crime & Delinquency, Justice Quarterly, and Sociological Inquiry. Prior to earning her Ph.D., Dr. Liu served seven years as a prosecutor in Beijing, China.
Selected Publications
Liu, Lin, Dunlea, R. R., & Besiki L. Kutateladze. 2021. "Time for Time: Uncovering Case Processing Duration as a Source of Punitiveness." Crime & Delinquency. OnlineFirst.
Liu, Lin,. 2020. “Parole, Neighborhood and Reentry Outcomes: A Contextualized Analysis.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. OnlineFirst.
Liu, Lin, Visher, Christy A., and Daniel J. O'Connell. 2020. “The Strain From Procedural Injustice on Parolees: Bridging Procedural Justice Theory and General Strain Theory.” Crime & Delinquency, 66, 250-276.
Areas of Expertise
Criminological Theory | Procedural Justice | Prosecution & Sentencing | Juvenile Delinquency | Quantitative MethodologiesDegrees
Ph.D., University of Delaware, Criminology, 2020M.S., University of Delaware, Statistics, 2020
M.A., University of Delaware, Criminology, 2016