Tim Goddard

Tim Goddard

Associate Professor

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Office: PCA-256

Phone: 305.348.0424

Email: tgoddard@fiu.edu


Dr. Tim Goddard in an associate professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida International University. He holds a Bachelor's degree in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, a Master's degree from the University of California, Irvine, and earned a Ph.D. degree in criminology, law & society from the University of California, Irvine—a distinguished graduate program of criminology studies.

Dr. Goddard's research has focused on the governance of crime and offending, particularly offending by young people. He has studied the governance of young people via community-based interventions and through his research of the practitioners in the community who work with young offenders and ‘at-risk' youth. He has presented his research at the conferences of the American Society of Criminology, the Law & Society Association, the American Anthropological Association, and at the Critical Criminology and Justice Studies conference.

With Randolph R. Myers (Old Dominion University), Dr. Goddard has conducted research on community-led social justice organizations that provide alternative youth offender interventions. Their recent published works critically analyze risk assessment tools as well as pay for success contracting—the latest financial instrument to fund social programs such as reentry programs. Dr. Goddard's research has appeared in various journals including the British Journal of Criminology, Social Justice, Theoretical Criminology, Punishment & Society, and the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy.

Dr. Goddard teaches the undergraduate and graduate capstone courses (online and in-person) as well as the online course Punishment and Society. His commitment to teaching is reflected in two Writing Across the Curriculum grants to improve student writing in the department's senior undergraduate capstone class.

Selected Publications

Goddard, T., & Myers, R. (2018). Youth, community and the struggle for social justice. Routledge.

Myers, R. R., & Goddard, T. (2018). Virtuous profits: Pay for success arrangements and the future of recidivism reduction. Punishment & Society, 20(2), 155-173.

Goddard, T., & Myers, R. R. (2017). Against evidence-based oppression: Marginalized youth and the politics of risk-based assessment and intervention. Theoretical Criminology, 21(2), 151-167.

Areas of Expertise

Issues of Social Justice in Crime Policy | Risk Factor Prevention Paradigm | Youth Offending Prevention | Neighborhood Partnerships


Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, Criminology, Law & Society, 2012
M.A., University of California, Irvine, Social Ecology, 2008
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, Philosophy, 2001