Ellen Cohn
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Office: PCA-261A
Phone: 305.348.5846
Email: cohne@fiu.edu
Dr. Ellen G. Cohn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice and an affiliated faculty member in the Women's Studies Center. Dr. Cohn graduated magna cum laude from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1984, earning BA degrees in both psychology and law enforcement, and earned her MA degree in criminal justice from the same university in 1986. She earned both an MPhil (1988) and a PhD (1992) in criminology from the University of Cambridge.
Dr. Cohn's research interests fall primarily into two areas: the effect of weather and temporal variables on criminal behavior, and the use of citation analysis in criminology and criminal justice. She is considered to be one of the leading experts in the world in both of these areas. Dr. Cohn is the author and co-author of 34 articles and 14 chapters in edited books, as well as numerous reports, manuals, and monographs. Her first book on citation analysis, Evaluating Criminology and Criminal Justice, is considered the leading work on the subject. A second book, Scholarly Influence in Criminology and Criminal Justice, will be published in fall 2010. She is currently engaged in developing a program cross-national research on weather and crime with scholars in England, New Zealand, and Bulgaria.
Dr. Cohn is a member of the Board of Directors of Youth Crime Watch of America, and has served as both President and Chair of the Board. She has received two "Extra Mile" awards from Youth Crime Watch and in 2003 was named Board Member of the Year for her service to the organization. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers, and a member of the steering committee of the Miami-Dade Police Department's Citizen Volunteer Program, which saves the department hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. In 2007, she received the University's "Excellence in Service" award for her efforts and in 2009 she received the President's Volunteer Service Award, a national honor given in recognition of sustained volunteer service.
Selected Publications
Cohn, E. G., Kakar, S., Perkins, C., Steinbach, R., & Edwards, P. (2020). Red light camera interventions for reducing traffic violations and traffic crashes: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 16, e1091.
Cohn, E. G., Iratzoqui, A., Farrington, D. P., Piquero, A. R., & Powell, Z. A. (2018). Most-cited articles and authors in Crime and Justice, 1979–2015. Crime and Justice, 47, 475-508.
Cohn, E. G., & Breetzke, G. D. (2017). The periodicity of violent and property crime in Tshwane, South Africa. International Criminal Justice Review, 27, 60-71.
Areas of Expertise
Weather and Crime | Citation Analysis | Intimate Partner Violence | History of the Criminal Justice SystemDegrees
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, Criminology, 1992M.Phil., University of Cambridge, Criminology, 1988
M.A., University of Maryland, Criminal Justice, 1986
B.A., University of Maryland, Psychology, 1984
B.A., University of Maryland, Law Enforcement, 1984