Christopher Eddy
Dr. Christopher Eddy began his career in 1987 as an intelligence officer in the United States Air Force at Travis Air Force Base, California. He served in a variety of intelligence leadership positions in the active and reserve forces, including several tours with various law enforcement and intelligence agencies domestically and internationally. He began his federal civilian career with the Department of the Army in 1999, serving as the lead counternarcotics analyst in Embassies throughout the Caribbean and served as a civil servant for 20 years. Dr. Eddy retired from the FBI in 2019 as FBI Miami’s Intelligence Program Manager. His intelligence program was recognized as the best of 56 throughout the FBI.
Dr. Eddy retired as a Brigadier General in the United States Air Force Reserves in 2017 after 30+ years of service.
Dr. Eddy earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Ashland University (OH) in 1986, an MBA in Management from Golden Gate University in 1988, a Master of Science in International Relations from Troy University in 2004, and a PhD in Leadership and Organizational Change from Walden University in 2012. He was an FBI Certified Intelligence Officer.
Dr. Eddy is a course developer and adjunct professor for colleges and universities specializing in intelligence, national security, terrorism, and foreign policy matters.