Lisa Stolzenberg
Office: PCA-253A
Phone: 305.348.5890
Email: stolzenb@fiu.edu
Chair: Criminology and Criminal Justice
Dr. Stolzenberg engages in quantitative research in multiple fields, including criminology and criminal justice, terrorism, drugs and alcohol, health-related studies, and motorcycle accidents and fatalities. Her research has appeared in various criminology and sociology journals, including Criminology, Justice Quarterly, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, American Sociological Review, Social Forces, and Social Problems, among others. She received funding from NIJ and BJA to support her research and held previous research positions in several organizations, such as Westat, Inc., Justice Research and Statistics Association, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, and the Florida Department of Corrections.
Research: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lisa_Stolzenberg
Selected Publications
Arndt, M., Stolzenberg, L., and D’Alessio, S. J. (2020, In Press) The Effects of Race and Physical Evidence on the Likelihood of Arrest for Homicide. Race and Justice.
D’Alessio, S. J., and Stolzenberg, L. (2019) Should Repeat Offenders be Punished More Severely for Their Crimes? Criminal Justice Policy Review, 30, 731–747.
Stolzenberg, L., D'Alessio, S. J., and Flexon, J. L. (2018) Eyes on the Street: Police Use of Body-Worn Cameras in Miami-Dade County. Weston Publishing.
Areas of Expertise
Crime Analysis | Prosecutor Discretion | Criminal Sentencing | Law and Policy Impact Analysis | Quantitative AnalysisDegrees
Ph.D., Florida State University, Criminology, 1993M.S., Florida State University, Criminology, 1986
B.S., University of Florida, Criminal Justice, 1985