Christine I. Caly-Sanchez
Office: SIPA II 520
Phone: (305) 348-5949
Email: calyc@fiu.edu
Christine I. Caly-Sanchez is the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence Associate Director, a position she has held since 2004. She is responsible for the center's outreach and networking. She is in charge of planning and organizing European conferences, lectures and related activities as well as developing partnership with European universities. She works with European entities such as consulates, diplomats, chambers of commerce and trade commissions as well as with American entities such as the Beacon Council, Great Miami Chamber of Commerce, and local, state, and federal agencies. Christine holds an advanced graduate diploma in Business Administration ("3ème cycle" in France), a Master and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. She brings to the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence 17 years of professional experience at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nice Côte d’ Azur - Groupe CERAM, France, where she worked as Head of International Affairs at the Euro-American Institute of Technology in Sophia Antipolis, developing partnerships with universities in Europe, the U.S., and Canada.
In addition, since 2013, Christine has been in charge of facilitating innovation & research partnerships between American and European entities. As a partner in the BILAT USA 2.0 and 4.0 initiatives, she has been in charge of promoting Horizon 2020, and organizing Information session workshops in the United States for scientists, researchers, SMEs, and companies. BILAT USA 2.0 is a consortium of 9 European and 4 American scientific institutions whose goal is to promote innovation and research under the framework of the European Commission Horizon 2020 program.
Furthermore, since September 2015, under the Jean Monnet Project, Christine has been in charge of organizing high profile business workshops on issues ranging from innovation & research, health, sustainability and environmental policies to bringing European policy-makers and experts to talk about best practices.
A native of France, Christine is fluent in English and French, and has knowledge of Italian, Spanish and German. Christine has been awarded the distinguished "Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques" medal by the French government's Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
She has also been named Honorary Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society at Florida International University.
She is a board member of different European Associations, among them, the Miami Scientific Italian Community.