Marcos Kerbel

Marcos Kerbel

Master of Arts in International Business, Georgia State University, 1969

Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, RB 208B

Phone: 305-348-2680


Areas of Expertise: Risk Management, Strategic Planning, Finance, Money Laundering


Marcos Kerbel began his banking career in 1969 with Pan American Bank of Miami (now Bank of America) where he rose from trainee to Senior Vice President and Deputy Manager of its International Division. In 1978, Marcos joined Israel Discount Bank Limited, to be the head of its then newly licensed International Banking Agency in Miami, having been the first license issued by the State of Florida. He remained with the bank for 22 years as Senior Vice-President and Manager. A founding treasurer in 1979 and past chair of the board of directors of the Florida International Bankers Association (FIBA) in 1987-88, Marcos has also chaired many of the organization's important committees, including its 25th anniversary celebration, for which he co-authored: Leading the Way-A Comprehensive History of International Banking in Florida, as well as a complementary video. In commemoration of FIBA's 35th anniversary, the book's second edition was published in May, 2015. In 1988, Florida Governor Robert Martinez appointed Marcos to the International Banking Trade Study Commission which was responsible for drafting several bills which became law. Among them were: The Anti-Money Laundering of Florida in 1989, Choice of Law, Choice of Forum, the revision of Chapter 663-International Banking of the Florida Statutes and the creation of The Florida Export Finance Corporation. In 1992, he was honored with the Gold Medallion from the City of Miami Beach for exceptional international leadership. More recently, he was confirmed by the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners, as a member of its Antonio Jorge Social and Economic Development Council (SEDC); and has been a member of MOV'N Committee of the County and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce dealing with traffic and transportation issues. A distinguished educator since 1973, Marcos has been a Participating Adjunct Faculty Member of the Department Finance in the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami since 1980, teaching both undergraduate and graduate students, where he has been awarded the "Excellence in Teaching Award in 2003 and 2007 and 2015 by the University. Since the spring of 2008 to 2012, The Financial Management Association and the Finance Honor Society have recognized Marcos Kerbel as the "Most Challenging and Educative Professor," "The Professor of the Semester" and "Best Professor" at Florida International University. Professor Kerbel has also been an Adjunct Faculty Member at Barry University and Miami-Dade College and its Center for Financial Training. He also teaches at UNIBE, in the Dominican Republic and the Center of Monetary and Banking Studies (CEMB) at University Thomas More in Managua, Nicaragua.

Courses Taught

ISS 6926: Capstone Project

ISS 6991: Global Financial Crimes