Howard Frank
PhD, Florida State University, Public Administration, 1988
Office: Office: FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, PCA 269A
Phone: 305-779-7870
Email: howard.frank@fiu.edu
Areas of Expertise: Quantitative and Research Methods
Howard Frank earned his Ph.D. in Public Administration from Florida State University in 1988, when he joined the faculty at Florida International University. Professor Frank has held a number of administrative posts at FIU, including Directorship of the Institute of Government and School of Policy and Management. He is currently Chair of the Public Administration Department and Director of the Metropolitan Center, which delivers applied social science management solutions to Southeast Florida nonprofits and governments. Professor Frank's primary research interests are local government financial management and performance. He has authored three books and 33 refereed journal articles and served as Managing Editor of the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, & Financial Management (2008-2011).Prior to joining the faculty, Dr. Frank served as a Management Analyst with the Florida Department of Health and Human Services and a Planner with the Broward County Office of Planning. Dr. Frank earned his BA (with Distinction) from the George Washington University ('79) and his MPA at the University Delaware ('81) where he as a Presidential Fellow. Dr. Frank has been active in the Public Administration profession as a reviewer for numerous journals, and served as Treasurer of the Southeastern Conference of Public Administration from 2000 to 2008.