Peter Craumer

Peter Craumer

PhD, Geography, Columbia University (1988)

Office: Office: FIU Biscayne Bay Campus, ACI 316

Phone: 305-919-5818


Areas of Expertise: Economic and Social Geography of the former Soviet-Union, Population and Geography


Dr. Craumer is an Associate Professor of geography with a joint appointment in both Global and Sociocultural Studies and Politics and International Relations. He received his Ph.D. in geography from Columbia University, specializing in environmental and economic geography, with a regional specialization in the regions of the former Soviet Union. His research has covered a wide range of geographical topics on the states of the former Soviet and Eastern Europe, from agricultural and rural development to health and demographic issues. This work on that vast region has taken him to nearly all of the countries there. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the experiments in democratization, he has worked on the new electoral geography as a unique reflection of the socioeconomic change sweeping the region, and travelled to Russia to study every national election from 1989 through the ascendance of Vladimir Putin. Most recently, he has turned his focus to the study of the socioeconomic vulnerabilities of populations under climate change, from coastal South Florida to the cities of Russia, and their geographic implications.

Courses Taught

ISS 6216: Foundations of Globalization